UTAM Fortran Codes
The UTAM Fortran codes have been under development since 1988, and include forward modeling, inversion, filtering and graphics codes. Most of the older forward modeling codes such as EIK.F, PP4.F and PSVR4.F are well tested and well documented. Newer codes can sometime be a bit cranky, but work well with some effort. The codes will eventually be updated to be more user friendly.

Forward Modeling Codes

Inversion Codes

Filtering Codes

Migration Codes

Graphics Codes

Conversion Codes

DOE Project Codes

Promax Development Codes (Updated)

GOCAD Development Codes

DMO Stack Codes

Preliminary Codes


Yearly Codes



Utah Tomography and Modeling/Migration Consortium
135 S. 1460 E, Room 719 . Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0111 . Phone: (801) 585-1538