UTAM former students win the EÖTVÖS award 2008
Zhiyong Jiang and his co-authors, Jianming Sheng, Jianhua Yu, Gerard Schuster and Brian Hornby, receive "THE EÖTVÖS AWARD 2008" for their paper "Migration methods for imaging different-order multiples", published in Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 55, No 1. This paper reviews three methods for imaging multiples, including model based and interferometric methods. The paper is easy to read, is very instructive, and stimulates the reader to consider how to make better use of multiples and well seismic data for imaging complex structures.

Rome, Monday 9 June 2008

Visit UTAM at the SEG 2008 Annual Meeting in Las Vegas

Utah Tomography and Modeling/Migration Consortium
135 S. 1460 E, Room 719 . Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0111 . Phone: (801) 585-1538