Integral Equation Redatuming Lab

Figure 1. (Left) Impulse and (right) wavelet response of a point source in a homogeneous medium with an embedded point scatterer. Direct wave is shown here and scattered wave is for the above row of figures. Numerical solution is computed by approximating the reciprocity equation of the correlation type by a quadrature scheme.

Objective: Execute program chap3d.m to reproduce above figure. The algorithm is a 3D numerical quadrature applied to the reciprocity equation of correlation type. The model is a point scatterer model embedded in a 3D homogeneous medium.


  1. Download the following programs: chap3d.m, calrick.m, geometriz1.m, green3left.m, green3right.m, green3s1.m, green3s.m, plot1.m, setpar.m.
  2. Type chap3d.m to generate the above picture for a single scatterer model.